Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park was declared a Nature park by Order № 1449/21 December 1989 of the Committee for Environmental Protection. In the registers of the International Union for Conservation of Nature the park is assigned to the fifth category "Protected Landscapes and Nature Parks".
The Directorate of the Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park is a specialized territorial division of the Executive Forest Agency. It is built in accordance with Art. 52, item 2 of the Protected Areas Act and on the basis of Art. 22, para. 2 of the Forest Act.
In order to perform its functions, the Directorate of the Vratsa Balkan Nature Park has a staff of 12 people. The organizational and administrative structure is two-tiered: director and directly subordinate to him expertise and chief specialists in the implementation of tasks, defined by the Regulations on the structure, functions and activities of the GMP.
eng. Nikolay Nenchev
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Chief expert "Structure and mamagement of the park teritorry"
eng. Tsvetan Tsvetkov
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Dimitar Torbov
Senior Expert Public Relations and Educational Programs
Olya Genova
tel: +359 9189 22 66, 885 36 77 84
eng. Daniela Borisova
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Senior Forest Inspector
eng. Miroslav Joshovski
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Chief Specialist "Protection and Control"
Fedya Nikolov
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Nelly Katsarska
tel: +359 9189 22 66

Chief Specialist Finance, Record Keeping and Human Resources
Tsvetelina Ivanova - Danailova
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Ivo Ivanov
tel: +359 9189 22 66
Eng. Georgi Antonov
tel: +359 92 66 03 18
Tsvetelina Velkova